Gilbert Arenas to Change Jersey Number

Man, Ted Leonsis’s blog breaks lots of Wizards news–

"It is possible, and perhaps likely, that Gilbert Arenas will decide to change his number on his Wizards uniform this coming season.It is his call. We also await what number John Wall will wear as well this coming season. Numbers are very important to players — to each their own."
"So, if you purchase a Gilbert Arenas jersey today and his number changes, I wanted to give you all fair warning. I think that is the honest and fair thing to do. So heads up ASAP. I apologize in advance if this number change causes any inconvenience. Thank you."

John Wall just took number two, and apparently Arenas wants number six. First LeBron, now Agent Zero. More love for Bill Russell it appears.

Update: My bad. According to the Associated Press, Arenas has changed his mind and no longer wants number six.

"Gilbert Arenas wants to change his jersey to something other than No. 6.New Washington Wizards owner Ted Leonsis revealed the news Thursday in his blog, but gave no other details.Arenas has worn No. 0 since college, but it was announced in March he would be switching to No. 6 for the upcoming season. It’s part of an image overhaul as he returns from a suspension and felony conviction for brining guns into the locker room."

Of course, if Arenas gets traded, none of this matters. Stay tuned…