Mike Scott
I’m not going to jinx it, but I’m not superstitious so here goes. I hope the Wizards can keep Mike Scott. He was a magician on the court. He would look like he’s trapped and about to pass and then swoosh.
Every time he walked onto the court, I waited for magic to happen. Even though I expected something, Scott always did the unexpected.
I don’t care if Wall and Beal have to show another example of their leadership skills by taking a cut in their salary, but make it happen.
Of course I’m joking about the pay cut, but you get where I’m going with this.
Speaking of jokes, I’m also glad Wall has a sense of humor (either that or he doesn’t read my work), that I didn’t hear any complaints about my April Fool’s article about him.
What I’m really trying to say to everyone—players and fans alike—is that it wasn’t a wasted season. There were tears of joy, laughter, and pain, but the Wizards as a family stuck together.
This was an incredible season. It shouldn’t be thrown away like it was nothing. A lot of work went into it.
The Wizards will emerge the better for it.
Wall recently said, that a ‘leader never takes a day off’. He came through the fire this season, and learned the greatest lesson of all.
But there’s another lesson in all this. No one can take away what you went through this season. Only you really know what it was, and that shared bond makes what you have unbreakable.
No matter who stays or goes, you have this year. A year that you dared to dream big, took falls, reached for the stars and in the end you’re another year wiser.
Sometimes the prize is the journey. But the most important question is this—aren’t we still DC Family?