I Miss You, John Wall
John Wall should play this season – IF HE’S HEALTHY – because, well, I just miss watching the Wizards with John Wall running the point.
Don’t get me wrong; this year’s team has been a fun bunch to watch. From the insane scoring frenzies to the Philadelphia frosty incident to Beal’s otherworldly dominance against nearly every foe, there’s been plenty of entertainment during this season even if there haven’t been plenty of wins.
But it’s just not the same without John Wall. At his height, Wall was one of the NBA’s most electrifying players, and one of the greatest this franchise has ever seen. Injuries have robbed us of what certainly would have been sensational seasons during Wall’s prime. Now, all we can do is wait for the city’s point god to return.
Selfishly, I’m growing a little impatient. I miss the chase-down blocks, the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it drives to the rim, the dancing. I miss it all. And if I have to wait until October to see it again, I will. But I’d rather see it, even if only a glimpse of it, in a month or so IF he’s healthy, of course.
Wouldn’t you?